Proposal Scenario

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If you reading this article that means you are ready to make a marriage proposal to your partner. You’ve been in relationships for quite some time, you probably already noticed some hints from your partner, like showing cute wedding pictures or the ring she wants? Well, maybe it is time for the big step. Listen further andI’ll tell you 10 important steps needed to make this day a timeless memory.

Let’s discuss the first steps:


Planning process should take as long as possible so you have enough time to choose a ring, date, location and photographer. We usually suggest starting your preparation process one month in advance or even two weeks before the big date.



It’s an ancient tradition to seal the marriage intentions, as you know it is still observed today. There are ways to find out what kind of ring to propose with, such as asking your partner’s best friend or close family member, or maybe she showed it herself. Last but certainly not least, find out the ring size. Check her jewelry collection and compare it with the size chart, or ask for help from one of the family members. Before you buy it, make sure you can bring it back to the store to adjust the size.

Keep the ring hidden. Nothing can ruin the big day than a ring box peeking out from the back pocket of your pants.



Once you have an engagement ring, pick a date for your surprise proposal. There is no right or wrong time to propose! Only you know when it is the right moment for you both.

According to the statistics the most popular month for marriage proposals is December – especially during Christmas. The festive atmosphere and twinkling backdrop of Christmas lights create an ideal moment to kneel down and propose. But let’s not stick with that! You can choose any day that feels perfect to you, selecting a date that will create an enduring memory of your love.



Choosing the right location for a marriage proposal is crucial, as it sets the stage for one of life’s most significant moments that you two will always remember. Let’s dive into it!

Meaningful Setting: Choose a place that holds significance for your relationship, such as where you first met, had your first date, or shared a special moment together. 

Scenic backdrop: Opt for a picturesque spot to enhance the romantic atmosphere. Imagine – stunning natural landscape, a charming garden, or a breathtaking city skyline. Remember, a beautiful backdrop elevates the moment.

Privacy vs. Public: Decide if you prefer a private or public setting. Some people like the energy of busy city streets or crowded parks, while others prefer a more intimate, secluded spot.

Ultimately, the best location is one that reflects your relationship, captures the essence of your love, and creates a lasting memory for both you and your partner.



For the best results make sure to hire a professional photographer who has experience in secret proposals. That will help you to fully immerse in the moment without feeling intruded upon. If you’re looking for a proposal photographer, I can help with that. Send us some information through request form and we will get back to you!



Nice outfits are the key to incredible photos! If you plan to hire a professional photographer you need to create a story why you want your partner to dress up. There is always an excuse that you want to take your partner to a proper date. I’m sure they won’t be wearing sweatpants. Remember, the most important thing is to feel comfortable and confident in your chosen outfit, allowing you to fully enjoy and cherish this special moment with your partner.



The moment when you drop the knee and about to say those important words certainly is terrifying. That is why you need to keep in mind some things that I’ll mention further…

  1. It will be helpful to write down some thoughts on the paper.
  2. You can write about how you two first met, how you felt being next to your partner, how you fell in love, or what qualities you love.
  3. Add that you want to continue this journey together and right after those words it’s time to pop the question “Will you Marry me?”.

Remember you don’t need to memorize the whole speech, worrying you will probably forget some parts


And remember, there are no right or wrong, or strict rules for proposing.

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