Planning a Proposal in a Public Place? Read this!

Brandon's proposal | Secret-Proposal-Engagement-NYC-Central-Park-Bethesda-Terrace-Brooklyn-Rooftop

Planning to pop a question on busy streets of New York City?! It is an exciting yet nerve-wracking experience, especially when it involves crowds staring at you. As a professional photographer, I’ve witnessed countless public proposals, each with unique charm and challenges. 

I would love to share with you some tips to ensure your public proposal goes smoothly and becomes a cherished memory for both of you. Read further.

1. Choose the Right Location

It’s important to choose the perfect spot. Think about places that hold special meaning for both of you. It could be the park where you had your first picnic date, a landmark where you visit first time together, or a scenic viewpoint. There are some public proposal locations can be used, such as:

Central Park, overflowing with beautiful spots, and sometimes these spots are not crowded. Close to the park is the Roof Garden at the Met.

The Brooklyn Bridge, the top of the Empire State Building, the Top of the Rock or the Edge. 

2. Timing 

Timing your proposal to avoid peak hours can make a huge difference. Early mornings or late evenings are ideal times to propose in a public place. This way, you can avoid large crowds and ensure a more intimate moment. Besides, the lightning during morning and evening hours is much softer and gentler.

3. Photographer

Having a photographer to capture the moment is essential. Our team can help you arrange a professional photographer, just send us a few words or give us a call at 347-357-8018. The photographer will be discreetly present at the location so that no one notices and captures the pure emotions of the couple. Our team specializes in surprise engagements and we have a tremendous experience in proposal photography and planning services. 

4. Prepare for the Unexpected

Public places can be unpredictable, especially in New York. From weather changes to unexpected crowds, it’s essential to have a backup plan. Scout the location beforehand and identify alternative spots nearby. This ensures that even if something goes awry, you have a plan B.

5. Keep It Personal

While public proposals can be grand, it’s important to keep the moment personal and meaningful. Incorporate elements that reflect your relationship. It could be a favorite song, a special message, a letter, or even involving close friends and family secretly.

6. Stay Calm 

Proposing in a public setting can be very stressful, but it’s important to stay calm. Focus on your partner and the moment rather than the people around you. Remember, in this moment it is only you and your other half and all this is about your love story. 

7. Celebration

It would be nice is you plan some kind of celebration after the proposal. It could be a romantic dinner at a nearby restaurant, a small gathering with close friends and family, or even a quiet moment together. This post-proposal celebration will add to the specialness of the day.

Public Proposal Checklist:

  • Choose a meaningful location.

  • Plan the timing to avoid crowds.

  • Hire a secret photographer.

  • Have a backup plan for unexpected changes.

  • Incorporate personal touches.

  • Stay calm and focused.

  • Plan a celebration afterward.

Planning a public proposal requires a bit more effort, but with careful planning and consideration, it can be an unforgettable experience. Good luck with your proposal!

By following these tips, you can ensure that your public proposal is not only successful but also a moment that you will cherish forever.

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